Software Development

Hi, I'm Raf Theunis

I'm a professional full-stack software engineer based in Sint-Truiden, Belgium.

I develop web applications and have a strong background in cloud-based solutions, API development and prototyping. Whether your next project is an online store, website for your business or a voice-controlled Alexa skill, I'll be ready to help!

This is what I do


Several years of programming experience with different languages. This will make it possible to choose the right technology for your project.


In an online world, visibility for your business is key. With my websites, your business will stand out in a crowd of competitors.


Need an app for your business? Whether it's iOS or Android you're looking for: I can help you out.

_Built with Love

"I have never worked a day in my life since my work is also my hobby."

Good design is finding that perfect balance between the way something looks and how it functions.
How We Work

Contact Me

Please tell me about your next project and I will let you know what I can do to help you.